Support > Wordpress Plugins

Gallery And Caption Plugin - Not working in Wordpress 3.1!! Please Help!!

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Hi, I am using GAC for my blog page. It was working alright but stopped working when I upgraded to Wordpress 3.1. Please help. You can see my webpage here:

It is throwing error like this:
Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Unexpected end tag : p in Entity, line: 1 in /f5/sangatham/public/wp-content/plugins/gallery-and-caption/gallery-and-caption.php  on line 317

Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: Empty string supplied as input in /f5/sangatham/public/wp-content/plugins/gallery-and-caption/gallery-and-caption.php on line 317

Warning: simplexml_import_dom() [function.simplexml-import-dom]: Invalid Nodetype to import in /f5/sangatham/public/wp-content/plugins/gallery-and-caption/gallery-and-caption.php on line 318

Fatal error: Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object in /f5/sangatham/public/wp-content/plugins/gallery-and-caption/gallery-and-caption.php on line 319
Ok I'm on it. Can you post your shortcode as well?

That was quick  :)  I am attaching my code.
Thx. I'll plow through this and hope to get something before Monday.  Hope 3.1 doesnt throw too big a curve  :P
Ok looks like 3.1 is fine.  You forgot to close a caption tag:

--- Code: ---<p><br class="spacer_" /></p>
 [caption id="attachment_966" align="aligncenter" width="125" caption="मल्लिका (மல்லிகை)"]<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-966" title="jasmine" src="" alt="मल्लिका (மல்லிகை)" width="125" height="125" /></a>
^^^^ Close this guy

[caption id="attachment_968" align="aligncenter" width="125" caption="पाटलपुष्पम् (ரோஜா)"]<a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-968" title="rose2" src="" alt="पाटलपुष्पम् (ரோஜா)" width="125" height="125" /></a>[/caption]

--- End code ---

In 3.1 I was able to use all of our plugins without issue.  Please tell me if you still have problems or not though, because every install has different plugins, and every user has slightly different habits.  I may not be replicating your problem.


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