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Messages - techinferno

Pages: [1]
Wordpress Plugins / Re: GAC v1.3 update sent out
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:19:12 PM »
We use LB plus so that when a visitor clicks an image, it launches the full image and dims the background and you have to click out to return. Similar to the way GAC behaves only this does not group pictures. LB Plus works automatically as long as File Link is selected for the media property and thus we use it for every article. However, when GAC is enabled, the image no longer pops up and instead redirects to  a separate page that contains the full image. I hope that clarifies our problem better.


Wordpress Plugins / Re: GAC v1.3 update sent out
« on: August 02, 2012, 06:14:36 AM »

The plugin it conflicts with is Lightbox Plus. If I install GAC, then lightbox plus stops working (I guess because both plugins want to handle the image HTML). We require lightbox plus to work on a daily basis and therefore had to disable GAC. If you could implement a switch in GAC that could shut off caption effects on a per article basis, that might solve it if possible. Here's an example of a broken article because we had to shut off GAC:

Wordpress Plugins / Re: GAC v1.3 update sent out
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:50:10 PM »
Great would appreciate it! I'll keep an eye on this thread for updates.

Wordpress Plugins / Re: GAC v1.3 update sent out
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:57:17 PM »
Quick question: Is there a way to avoid GAC and Lightbox Plus from conflicting? When I updated GAC and re-enabled the plugin, Lightbox stopped working.


Wordpress Plugins / Re: GAC v1.3 update sent out
« on: July 29, 2012, 01:54:25 AM »
Working great, I got the pushed update. Thanks for the quick response!

Wordpress Plugins / GAC causing caption problems
« on: July 26, 2012, 03:23:00 PM »

We have been utilizing gallery and caption on our site for a long time but with the latest wordpress update, it seems to have broken something with the plugin. Anytime we try to use a regular caption (wp-caption), it displays fine in the editor box but in the preview and final published article, the caption isn't there at all or has corrupted text. After disabling GAC, the default captions work fine. The problem is many of articles used the captiongroup feature of GAC and now are broken.

I'd appreciate your assistance in resolving this.


Thank you for the quick fix and your continued work on these plug-ins, it's appreciated! :) By the way I noticed you link to sites that use your plug-ins and if you'd like to use ours as an example that would be great. The article in the first post in particular puts gallery and caption + easy chart builder to use.


Excellent, looking forward to your fix since we use it (and the other ones you've made) quite often.


Hello, after upgrading to wordpress 3.1 the plugin (gallery and caption) is not functioning correctly, when you first click on an image it properly shows up, but, when you do it a couple of times the picture disappears.
For instance you can take a look here:

Thank you for your assistance,

Pages: [1]