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Messages - PerryG

Pages: [1]
Thank you, thank you thank you!!! I downloaded and installed v.3 and we are back to normal on

I showed the site owner v1.1 but they were not a fan of the subtle navigation buttons.  Here likes the bigger ones at the top of the picture.  I tend to agree with them.

A thought would be to provide the option to chose which you would like to use in the plugins settings.

Thanks again.  GREAT plugin too.

Any progress on this.  The owner of the site noticed the navigation is gone.

Can I get a copy of the old version?  That would be great.

Thanks.  Keep us posted.  The person I made the site for was big on the navigation.  I'm hoping to have it fixed before they notice.

(This is why you test upgraded before putting them in production ; )

I am using WP v3.0.4.  I don't know what version of Gallery and Caption I was on prior to upgrading G and C today but I am now on v1.0. 

I did not upgrade WP today but I did upgrade 6 plugins through the control panel.  I believe G and C was one of them.  but I am not 100% sure.

I KNOW the gallery had navigation bars at the top when you double clicked an image and it popped up on Friday.  They are no longer there.   Take a look.

Please advise.  Thanks!


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