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Topics - hcww

Pages: [1]
Wordpress Plugins / Easy Chart inside of a widget
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:12:29 PM »
Hi there,

I am working on a client website and would like to incorporate an Easy Chart into the sidebar. I see in the documentation that it should be possible, but when I try it simply does not display. For instance the following appears blank:

[easychart type="line" height="300" width="350" title="Test Chart" groupnames="Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint, Peach" valuenames="1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008" group1values="2069, 1184, 2389, 820, 2398, 701" group2values="2002, 1177, 2825, 697, 3226, 993" group3values="4071, 824, 505, 100, 230, 0" group4values="0, 163, 320, 145, 0, 121" group5values="0, 0, 143, 70, 565, 102"]

Was this removed in the latest version perhaps?

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